
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Review: Talisman of El by Alecia Stone

Talisman of El


One Planet.
Two Worlds.
Population: Human ... 7 billion.
Others ... unknown.

When 14-year-old Charlie Blake wakes up sweating and gasping for air in the middle of the night, he knows it is happening again. This time he witnesses a brutal murder. He's afraid to tell anyone. No one would believe him ... because it was a dream. Just like the one he had four years ago - the day before his dad died.

Charlie doesn't know why this is happening. He would give anything to have an ordinary life. The problem: he doesn't belong in the world he knows as home. He belongs with the others.
(From the publisher)

Sometimes when I read the jacket description of a book it looks like it should be right up my alley, but then when I get it home and take it out to read, it really disappoints. Unfortunately this was one of those times. The middle-grade, almost YA, book promised an interesting plot full of  adventure, fantasy and intriguing characters. All of the foundations for those elements were there, but the delivery was lacking.

The story follows a boy named Charlie who is an orphan, finding his way through one terrible foster home to the next. He has some strange dreams that lead him to meet Derkein, a man who is rapidly aging. Through various plot points that were hard to follow, Charlie, Derkein and two other friends who have little to no impact on the story, find themselves in a dangerous world called Arcadia. Charlie meets an otherworldly race of angels and discovers his destiny.

The plot of the book rolls along at a fast pace. This may be why the story suffered so much. Characters were shallow and often annoying. It's hard to care about what happens to the characters, so plot points and dangers which may have been exciting seemed to come from no where. Often I found myself re-reading sections to see if I missed something. Characters converse about events you feel like, as a reader, you should know about, but there just isn't enough back story or fleshing out of either characters or plot to make sense of it. I enjoy when authors lead you along the bread crumb trail to figure out parts of the future story. In this book you are told so many details that little mystery remains. The ending is obviously leading you towards a second instalment, but it's handled poorly so you're left feeling very unsatisfied as a reader. Overall, a great idea that could have been executed so much better.

Centrinian Publishing Ltd, 2012
(I received this book from the Early Reviewers giveaway on

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